Realtors ARE allowed to talk to Appraisers! And should…

I hear this regularly from Realtors: “We aren’t allowed to talk to the appraiser anymore.” This is something that comes up quite a lot in my day-to-day interactions with Realtors, and it simply IS NOT TRUE!  As an appraiser, I welcome any assistance I can get when completing an appraisal.  Realtors tend to know a great deal more about individual transactions and specific markets, and provide an invaluable resource for appraisers.

Realtors Can Talk to Appraisers.

Realtors Can Talk to Appraisers.

So long as there is no undue influence being placed on the appraiser, Realtors should feel free to bring information to assist an appraiser.  This assistance normally comes in the form of comps, and often times Realtors have specific knowledge of those comp transactions which could be useful for an appraiser.  For instance, some deals may have special circumstances that result in a below-market value.  The reasons for that may not be immediately clear from reviewing an MLS listing sheet or the tax records– the main sources of transaction data for appraisers.  When it comes to the details of the subject property, I welcome special insight on renovations, necessary repairs, or any other relevant characteristics which may not be immediately learned from a simple walk-through.

For more detail on this subject, check out this blog by The Appraisal Foundation President, David S. Bunton.

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